World Libertarian Revolution

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Superior Options Ahead


Difficult Choices

Democracy without evolutionary Libertarian principles is itself only mob rule and will usually degenerate into some form of collectivism with a little behind-the-scenes help from international finance.

Consider all the terms denoting so called "free" societies which are special pairings of the words Democracy, Christianity, and Socialism. None of these societies are truly free, nor are they workable in the long term. Separation of church and state has to be not only in name, but also in practice. Institutionalized mandatory religious charity (taxes) must be eliminated. This can be done without hurting anyone and will produce a virtual rebirth of any society where it occurs. There can be no moral or logical objection to this from anyone, especially since humanity will devolve at an increasing rate if we do nothing.

Archaeology and history show us that there have been cycles throughout the ages, first of human evolution, then of devolution. Man has made slow progress culturally, but has declined markedly in intelligence since the Cro-Magnon (13). What we face today however, with the technologically efficient methods used by collectivist leaders for engineering of popular consent, is a massive trend towards the reversal of human evolution. The decline in human intelligence has been going on for a very long time, but in the Twentieth Century the rate accelerated (14). Many may dispute specific studies and data, but common-sense should suggest that the basic laws of nature cannot be ignored indefinitely.

None of these bad things have to happen because economic history shows us with absolute clarity that the total economic mobility present in an Evolutionary Libertarian society will result in spontaneous natural order. We are the first generation of humans to have any real understanding of these principles, but young people must be educated about how things work before the triumph of natural order can occur. World Libertarian Revolution will not occur because of virtual reality games at the local video arcade.

Without the establishment of Libertarian societies the only chance that evolving humanity can possibly have in the long term is through the escape to other planets of self-sustaining humans (15) or through the mass sterilization of non-self-sustaining humans. Both of these "alternatives" are tall orders at best, and even if possible in the short term, have no long term integrity. Without finding a way to end the false ethic which leads to collectivist sustenance of human degeneracy, no society can long endure. The same problems would only recur and must be faced eventually. Technology can not substitute indefinitely for moral courage.

Although all men must receive fair, equal, and impartial treatment under law, all men are most certainly not born with an equal potential for complex manifestation and nothing that government can do will ever change this. An equal chance to succeed normally results in wide individual differences in the degree of success, not in perfect beehive uniformity, nor should it.

If the relative number of non-self-sustaining humans becomes too great, then one of the short term solutions already mentioned may become necessary. We must insure not losing even more of what man has attained through evolution, and with it, the chance of ever establishing truly free societies so that evolution can resume it's normal upward progress. This ideal is only attainable with Evolutionary Libertarian principles.

In a totally free society people manifest only up to a level consistent with their natural abilities. There have to be differences in manifestation for a proper division of labor. Capitalist economic systems will yield the kind of earned prosperity that naturally results in lower birth rates. We must, to survive, move towards an adult, realistic, and informed understanding of the problems facing humanity as a whole. If we begin this in time, it will eventually result in separate sovereign Libertarian Republics everywhere. This is what is referred to as a World Libertarian Order.

In the time when all countries are basically Libertarian, the idea of a one world government won't seem necessary for peace and harmony, and it won't be, because it isn't now. Separate sovereign nations will always be preferable to one world government, because it's easier to subvert one government back to collectivism than a lot of individual ones. A world court to arbitrate land disputes arising among nations colonizing space will, of course, become necessary just as courts are necessary within individual countries now.

Young people are eager to participate in historical change for a few years before settling down. Look at the NASA photographs below. Imagine if their eyes could see views like these from space probe windows instead of the war-torn bodies of their fellow humans.


Eliminate the Obstacle


13. Pendell, op. cit.

14. Ibid.
15. "All in a dream, all in a dream
The loading had begun.
They were flying Mother Nature's
Silver seed to a new home in the sun."
 ~ Neil Young: "After the Goldrush" ~