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Noise Pollution

June 27, 2004
If a person looks unpleasant we have the option of looking away. High volume sound doesn't give us this alternative. All people have the right to the quiet enjoyment of their lives and homes. Those who rob them of this in a defiant ongoing manner are volitional enemies of society (22).
Today we are unjustly besieged by noise of all kinds, from the unnecessary bleeping of automobile security systems to the highly amplified dirty-mouth chanting of emotionally disturbed individuals masquerading as "artists" (23). We can't even get away from this in our libraries where moral dopes blast us with it using tinny sounding head-sets. And then there is the cell phone...
The laws for some reason will not protect us from this ongoing encroachment, so we must be vigilant. We are at war with those who care nothing about individual liberty, and these noises are the sounds of war. When you hear these sounds, go looking for the source and do whatever you have to do to stop them. Always make legal remedy the first choice, but never close out your options.

22. Case History
Struggling writer, with no options for moving, every night for three months is robbed of his sleep by a bellowing amthemine psychopath. His immune system breaks down, he becomes deathly ill with pneumonia, is hospitalized, and nearly dies. Attorney advises that greedy negligent landlord cannot be held liable only because pneumonia is not an "easily foreseeable consequence" of being robbed of sleep. Writer has no insurance and the huge debt incurred ruins a lifetime of good credit and this in turn in many ways effectively ruins the rest of his life.
23. Case History
Sole purpose of sub-woofer is to blast pavement with sound which user knows will disturb everybody within a half mile radius. For example if anyone objects...
2004 in Reno NV at 3:00 AM two young savages with caps on backwards are parked outside a big hotel with woofers thundering, blasting the entire south face of windows with dirty mouth monkey music. At least two hundred sleeping people have been awakened by this. When night manager comes out and politely asks them to please turn down the volume he is told - "Fuck off bitch! Stick it up yo ass, motherfucker!"