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Liberty Under Siege

There is a moral polarization occurring worldwide. For decades, the normal criteria for good and evil have been increasingly inverted by the subverted media. Ted can scarcely believe the escalating pretense of sensitivity used to justify the monstrous encroachments on individual liberty that globalists are making: 

Colleges are banning free speech, and even chalkboards, because someone might write something that would offend someone else. 

In one college, the word parents, mother, and father are banned, because someone listening might have lost one or both parents. 

At another college, sports team members are banned from displaying red, white, and blue, or the American flag, because it might offend Islamic student immigrants 

Illegal aliens are being acquitted on rape charges, and to condemn their activity is viewed as “racism” or “hate speech”. Those who speak up, are being imprisoned. 

People who work to stop the abduction, rape, torture, and murder of children by globalist pedophile rings are being censored and blacklisted. It is now said that child rapists are the new protected class in America.