Objective View of Political Terrorism
Letters to the World Libertarian Order have triggered the following response. In the longer view of history, the following things are true:
1. Political terrorists in general are far more concerned about impacting public events and history than the average person.
2. Political terrorists are usually revolutionaries who also believe that their agenda for long term social change is more important than individual human lives. This latter trait is often shared by functionaries of the governments they oppose.
3. Those who disagree with specific terrorist goals often avoid dealing with the political issues by trying to shift attention away using phony psychological "explanations." This will often involve highlighting any lack of standard affiliations or personal involvements in the life of the terrorist which might have otherwise consumed personal energies:
"He was a loner who didn't belong to any clubs on campus."
"He was angry at society because he wasn't getting enough nookie."
4. The viewpoint of political terrorists and most "lunatic fringe" elements can be useful as part of the advance warning system about bad directions in government policy. In this context the more "sensitive" terrorist reactions may be likened to the quicker response of those small birds taken underground in cages to test the breathability of air in mines. |