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"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." ~ Thomas Jefferson 1787 This is a very exiting historical period in which to be living. World Libertarian Revolution has begun and is being accomplished through the systematic dissemination of truth. The revolution is only in its infancy, and the stakes are higher today than they have ever been before. Liberty loving individuals must get involved. It is not enough to merely talk and "sympathize." Tangible interest in anything is measurable only by activity, such as reading from "forbidden" sources. Most people demonstrate absolutely no real interest in past, present, or future. In spite of this, many are very aggressive about expressing opinions. They will speak about the value of "intellectual discussion." Even those who initiate talk however, will often meet truth with insult, usually of the jokey kind which mocks all genuine seriousness. Such people are only seeking concurrence, not truth. This element tries to sound very moral and patriotic about social issues until the lies they live by are refuted. Then they turn to silly putty. The use of currency not backed by something of intrinsic value is the one and only cause of the destructive economic cycles which seem to necessitate deficit spending by government. Lending requires spending, and the international bankers manipulate politicians and events. They have created and financed almost every war in our history. This is not philosophy or anecdote. It is not "conspiracy theory" but verifiable fact. There is a tremendous body of highly specific data about all of this. Not knowing about something does not render it theoretical. There is simply no excuse for ignorance in this area. In America, the poison has spread so far that from an economic standpoint even "conservative" candidates are Socialists. Democrats are Socialists who talk like what they are. Republicans are Socialists who talk like rugged individualists, but are not. These misguided leaders effectively serve only the New World Order international banking crowd, who do not represent the interests of America, and have not since well back into the nineteenth century. Voters who understand the Libertarian alternative to this, but who continue to support these parities are making volitional obeisance to evil. Those who don't seek knowledge of these matters are not good Americans. It isn't necessary to become a historical expert on the Council on Foreign Relations or the Trilateral Commission or to link these groups with ancient occult conspiracies, only to understand a few of the activities of international finance since 1913. What is called for is simply to bone up on a small portion of history which isn't taught in school. There is nothing more pathetic than the fool who can spend hours quoting fables from his holy scriptures or reciting endless statistics on dead ball players back to the 1880s, but hasn't even a rudimentary knowledge of who runs his own country or how they do this. Ignorance about institutionalized evil doesn't make it go away. Parroting subverted media slogans about "conspiracy theory" won't make these problems disappear. Prayers and religious fantasies will not liberate mankind. The only "saved" souls are those who practice righteous behavior and work diligently for Libertarian goals right here on Earth. The international financial elite who work for global monoculture must be defeated at any cost. The trend in evolution for three and a half billion years has been toward diversity, not uniformity. Human devolution and tedious cookie-cutter sameness should not be the destiny of mankind just to make a few wealthy people richer. The means to all the ends discussed here should be contemplated dispassionately. Creative energy must be diligently applied to their implementation. Most people will not be motivated to any real action until they have lost almost everything. It is only at this point that the risk involved in fighting back seems acceptably small, because the enemy has no target left except the individual himself, whose life is already ruined. Having almost nothing material, ironically, permits nearly the same freedom of action which is possible with the kind of liquidity given by great wealth. Many in power now are going to find this out to their very great detriment if Libertarian policies are not implemented in time. "Investigators now believe there are four hundred separate instances where The US government has secretly exposed large groups of innocent citizens to radioactivity so that they can study the long term effects, the number of deformed or stillborn babies, how soon the children will develop leukemia, the cancer death rate for mothers, the suicide rate for fathers. This is to ascertain the "feasibility" of having a nuclear war for profit. Anyone who doesn't want to see this vile criminal element overthrown is a worthless coward. Anyone who supports these vampires is a co-conspirator in treason. The pigs who murder us think they can rob us of the very meaning of our lives and that, if we object, we must feel obliged to justify ourselves in debate, as though meeting upon a field of honor. The next time we are threatened by rats with bubonic plague these 'gentlemen' will expect us, by the same logic, to engage the rats, hand to tooth, in the sewers. I would sooner do this, since the rats in this instance, are actually more the gentlemen because they are not volitional servants of evil," elaborates Dirk the Sun Warrior as he blows off steam while loading his Walther P-38 with silver bullets. It is perfectly all right to become deeply angry with those who heartlessly victimize. Those who do not, lack integrity and courage. If great advantage is gained over such an enemy, however, and there is no peril to oneself, the chivalrous individual will practice generosity. Before becoming angry with any particular individual or group it is well to study the complexities of situations thoroughly. Any government not run in accordance with Libertarian principles has been subverted to the purposes of evil, but this does not necessarily mean that it operates against the will of the people. Exploiting masters can never do what they do without eager slaves in the form of obedient functionaries, ideological cowards, and greedy shortsighted masses. All are equally to blame because of immoralities of their own. Liberty loving people have the right to overthrow the tyranny of evil people wherever this occurs, and by any means necessary. World Libertarian Revolution today mainly involves teaching people everywhere what liberty actually is, that it not only can work, but is the only thing that can work in the long term, and that the apparent "obstacles" imposed by governments are only temporary points needing resolution. People must learn not to deny in their hearts the essential rightness of individual liberty simply because in some countries it seems temporarily unattainable. The true Libertarian must not despair the seemingly endless length of the Quest. Always attempt first to educate, and do this with gentility. People, however, who go along too easily with the treasonous men who run societies today, especially the glib insulting ones, should be remembered. Make and maintain a list, but justly take account of personal growth as time passes. When an enemy and it's aims are clearly defined, a war against such enemy can be fought and won by individuals and small groups unknown to each other and without any central coordination of activity. Individual clandestine activity actually confers advantage since it makes mass retaliation impossible and completely eliminates any capacity for infiltration. There must however, be a strong spiritual unity based on clearly defined goals and principles. Let the warrior of light become proficient in the use of weapons and in some area of unaided martial attainment. These skills may well be needed in the years to come, but let us hope they will not. The history of mankind is perfect because the highest capability of mankind as a whole, is always happening at any given moment. Evil currently predominates on Earth because injustice is to some degree institutionalized by every nation on this planet. Once World Libertarian Revolution is complete, good and evil will then be in perfect balance on Earth. The difference will be that the wielders of light and of darkness respectively, will more frequently and perfectly derive the normal just consequences of their actions. The day that good will have the upper hand on Earth will come only when noticeably more than half of the people are simply unwilling to advance themselves by encroaching upon the liberty of any living thing. This includes the indiscriminate increase of their numbers through mindless reproduction. The young often have a fierce and idealistic love of liberty. Today this is skillfully misdirected by collectivist governments into subverted cooperation with entrenched financial interests in all countries. When the passion of the young can everywhere be fused with knowledge and wisdom, before life has a chance to first confuse and then beat them down into low apathetic obedience, then "Liberty Triumphant and Eternal" will prevail. Music can be a great source of heroic inspiration for Libertarian Revolution: "Now in darkness world stops turning, ashes where the bodies burning. No more War Pigs have the power, Hand of God has struck the hour. Day of judgement, God is calling, on their knees the war pigs crawling. Begging mercies for their sins, Satan, laughing, spreads his wings." ~ Black Sabbath |
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