October 31, 2026 Ted is visiting Salem and Boston. On his last trip, he put out some requests for a compact heat-seeking Law’s Rocket. On this trip he scores not one, but three. Very pricey, but till…
While he’s in Boston, three globalist students are killed in a drive-by shooting near the college. When Ted returns and finds this out, he is encouraged. The resistance is growing.
November 6, 2025 The remaining forty-two members of the now legendary Diversity Club are having a meeting to discuss how to regroup, approach the enemy, and protect themselves. Agent Boxer is in attendance and will guard the door outside.
Ted brings all the stuff he will need in one of those big cases the art students use to carry large paintings. There is a steep banking clad with tall evergreen shrubbery across from the entrance to the meeting.
Ted has attached a small hot-burning, flair to one of his crossbow long darts. Once the venue doors are closed, and the meeting is well underway, he watches until Agent Boxer sneezes and turns towards the building with handkerchief, then lights the flare and fires it through the window.
Boxer hears the glass break, sees the hole, and looks around, but does not see Ted. He enters the room to see if anyone is hurt. Ted quickly aims and fires the small rocket at the window. The heat seeking component finds the flare, and the entire window and door blows out as the room is engulfed in flame. Agent Boxer had started back out, and is catapulted forward by the blast. He is totally ablaze, and starts rolling around on the ground, squealing like a sow hog.
Ted doesn’t see this very last part because
he’s already well on his way back to his car. |