April 22, 2026 Ted is back in Boston because thirty-six prominent globalists are at a conference. This one has an interesting option for the assassination venue, because they are planning to watch a movie. Poison popcorn would be cool, but probably not everybody will want it. Everybody burns however, so it will be flammable gas. Little possibility of last minute rescue, as with poison gas.
2:00 P.M. Ted has brought some very concentrated product that he acquired recently from the same source as the rockets. He is waiting in the hall as the moviegoers all file in together from their previous destination. The minute the doors are closed, Ted walks briskly into view, pulls out the Walther TPH, shoots the guard, then puts a police lock on the door, having done this already at the only other exit.
Now he runs back upstairs to the high vent, starts the timer on the attached ignition device, opens the canister, and throws the unit down into the room. Several stand looking at it, as the gas fills the room within eight seconds. Three seconds later the gas ignites, and the thirty-six evildoers are roasted like young turkeys in an inferno of shrieking misery. |