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Big Pow Wow


July 11, 2026 Walter Durrant’s Kitchen Table

Besides the local heroes, there are Garrett Valdison, Hilton Armstrong, Jeff Rollings, and Sigurd Warner.


After Walter makes all the introductions and explanations, he says with delight,


“The Revolution is progressing very well. The number of kills, in my opinion, is quite a bit more than what we could have done ourselves, so it must be catching on other places


“Even in open forums, people are beginning to show that they understand what we, and others, are doing, and to speak out in favor of it. We need to do much more, however, before there can be a takeover.

“We need to get racial outlanders out of the judiciary, police, legislature, and military. Ideally, what will work best, is to kill them all in each category fast before they can set up special protections.


“I’m thinking each of us should have a separate region of the country. I’ve created a map showing the regions, each of which has roughly equal numbers of the targeted groups. You can decide among you, who goes where. I want the Northwest.

“This won’t be easy. The decay of America is advanced. There are large numbers of them, and very few of us, as far as we know. One thing that will help is to eliminate the most important ones first. If security gets too great, too fast, we may have to stop, but at least the key outlanders will be gone. In each list I have prioritized the targets, by rank or function.


“This part of the revolution is where leaderless resistance needs to kick in strongly so that enough others will support us separately to get the work done quickly.”