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Religious Climate

The Prevailing Religious Climate
We must apologize in advance if anyone feels insulted by what we do say on this subject. All our observations are presented in very general fashion only to make a better world. Nothing is intended personally.
The Goal is a Better World
We consider the history of the twentieth century to have been an absolute disgrace - ongoing economic upheaval interrupted by war. This presents us with a question. If the prevailing spirituality operational in the world during this period were adequate, why then did we have all this trouble?
We feel that any person who truly believes in and practices the Golden Rule will agree with us that it is not enough for individuals to manifest simple moral decency. Governments must do so as well. Do spiritually developed people condone ongoing immoral government activity? Evil is not rendered into goodness just because it the result of collective human action.
Please approach this material in the spirit in which it is intended. We are working to establish liberty, prosperity, and peace on Earth. If we have to rock the boat a little by asking people to think, then that is what we will do.
"God is the totality of All. Most other ideas in this connection are merely indigenous mythology. The only real morality is absolute Libertarian reciprocity. All other ideas in this connection are merely criminal rationalization."
1. The natural inspiration towards liberty for all, when acted upon, renders the individual metaphorically a warrior of light. Along with the idea of voluntary self-sacrifice, this principle is the only thing of universal positive value to be found in any moral system or religion. All other elements simply reflect peripheral things, sometimes of great archetypal value, but only to the particular cultural groups among whom they occur. The flip side of this of course, is that any individual who works against individual liberty is to that extent a slave of darkness.
2. The vast majority of people on Earth live in a fantasy world based upon false prophesy, unnatural religion, and economic misdirection by collectivist governments. Unfortunately this lower majority threatens the evolutionary destiny of all living things. The only people who stand against this rottenness and who are able to minimize the affliction from these causes in their own lives are Eclectic Freethinkers practicing Libertarian Capitalist principles.
[ The rest of this chapter and all of the next are reproduced from the "Evolutionary Psychology" site linked on the WLO Membership page ].
3. A person who will deny what is readily discernible through science in favor of belief is "insane." This is an insanity however, which is normal to lower types of people. There is no cure for this and none should be attempted.
4. People demand more or less of themselves intellectually and spiritually because of their individual level of development. The proportion of fantasy directed behavior of fundamentalist religioners parallels that of deeply disturbed mental patients. The sheer numbers of such people however, give them a consensus for their delusions, eliminating the sense of alienation usually present in clinical psychosis. However little, this is all that such people demand for themselves and they should not be ridiculed. It is their right in a free society.
5. One who will unnecessarily insult another because of religious differences is not a genteel person. Those who will actually prevent freedom of religion are enemies of society. Religious freedom is absolutely necessary to natural order because it allows people to find their proper level of actualization. When however, the beliefs of unnatural religioners cause them to encroach upon the liberty of others it then behooves us to at least educate them before more rigorous methods become necessary.
6. Imagine a highly advanced intelligence visiting Earth from another planet - people who have solved all their social problems and who fought their last war 25,000 years ago. Consider deeply and objectively their probable reaction to the bizarre iconography, fanciful mythologies, and ritual procedures of the major world religions. Then consider also their reaction to the vast institutionalized difference everywhere between what is practiced and what is preached (32).
7. The deities of any people are merely those fantasized particularizations of the Totality of All which reflect individual origins, struggles, and goals. Historically these subjective interpretations of God have been used to justify the kind of divisiveness which finds expression in the exercise of low advantage such as vandalism, plunder, rape, and torture. Apart from the veracity of individual mythologies, the spiritual rectitude of any belief system can ultimately be measured only in terms of the amount of justice manifesting in the behavior of the practitioners. Only those who are free of unnecessary intolerance show integrity in demanding the same for themselves.
8. Religious cowards hold strong beliefs which keep them from worldly success and have been taught since youth that weaklings will be successful in the next world and that those who are successful now will be punished later. Underlying these feelings of course, is the false notion that the unsuccessful are somehow always "exploited" by the successful. They fantasize that after death all this will be sorted out by a "just" God. Those who swallow this nonsense are inevitably people of apathetic nature whose own laziness makes them perceive much of normal goal oriented behavior as somehow dishonest or immoral. This sort of thinking is common to lower class people. It is what makes them what they are, and proceeds as a characteristic thereof. The problem here from a standpoint of individual liberty is that this same apathy, besides leading to Socialism, is also evoked as an excuse for not dealing with people who really do exploit others.
9. The ambassadors of shamefulness sound just like cheap little robots as they mindlessly regurgitate their pathetic spiel about belief in some anointed person or another as their savior. They will often counter with this nonsense as a postural surrogate for moral substance politically - faith offered as an excuse for immoral allegiances. They think they can do anything they want on Earth because their savior will forgive them later. When their aggressive criticisms of others are challenged by one who points out their own total lack of tangible activity towards making the world a better place, they make alibi by accusing the constructive person of not having faith in God, who they feel should implement all right action in the world without any human participation. If you offer constructive political solutions for societal problems they accuse you of trying to supersede their savior. Mindless parroting of scriptural fantasy as an excuse for apathy and moral lassitude. People who actually live moral lives don't need saviors. Educated Libertarians can easily demonstrate the superiority of our values in just a few sentences. We don't need to hide behind a thousand pages of tricky talk and falsified history.
10. Religious fanatics who champion ancient prophesies of worldwide destruction are the sickest and most nihilistic of all. All these fools want our children to look forward to is worldwide destruction, because they really have no faith in anything, especially the power of knowledge in the service of goodness.
11. Doomsday paranoids think that the normal effects accruing to human disregard of environmental laws can only be dealt with by an angry God. They even believe that seismic activity somehow constitutes a supernatural referendum on human evil. These Slaves of Cowardice spend endless time trying to reconcile current events with ancient scriptural prophesy. They ignore the knowledge of present day affairs which would easily allow them something besides the "lesser of evils" at election time.
12. The only true test of value for a major religion is the effect that it has on society over the long term. A viable spirituality intended to exert major influence must not only attract widespread adherence but must also have a positive effect upon society. Coward religion attracts many but does this only because it promises supernatural revenge to apathetic weaklings. Slave dogma contributes to all that is devolutionary. The cowardly majority is responsible for condoning today's Socialism. Nobody should adhere to a tradition which has clearly failed. Religions based upon false values and unnatural principles are not worth following.
13. Absolute separation of church and state is impossible because what the people are spiritually determines the form of government they will create or condone. The economic system of a country will never exceed the soul wisdom of the people residing therein. Wherever we find the institutionalized cowardice of scarecrow religion, we also find Socialism or some other unworkable form of collectivist government. We can't expect an inferior prevailing spirituality to result in a superior way of running society. If the people are no good, the government will be even worse.
14. One of the main reasons that prevailing religions don't work is because they mix lies with truth. They demand literal interpretation of what is obviously mythological and teach a lot of self-effacing foolishness about sex. They then mix common sense truth about not hurting others in with all this. The nonsense part brings apparent discredit upon the true part. Essentially it robs people of a moral basis for their behavior.
Towards a More Libertarian Spirituality
"Philosophers and ploughmen
Each must know his part
To sow a new mentality
Closer to the heart" ~ Rush ~
"One who farms out most of his spiritual activity to a clergyman can be likened to the man who would hire someone else to romance his wife. There are simply some things that one should do for himself. Spiritual activity is probably the most important of these. The man who does not perform independently in this regard is a spiritual gutter-crawler. He who strives towards a transcendental ideal will achieve things intellectually and spiritually as much beyond the average as the average is beyond the baboons" invites Dirk the Sun Warrior, one outspoken Freethinker of the New Aeon.
1. The only "creed" a truth seeker needs is a loving and just reaction to the total of his knowledge. This should be well organized, systematically increased, and periodically contemplated. It is appropriate to have an area of belief which seems to be the most plausible extrapolation beyond factual data. This area however, must never fall prey to dogmatism and must be subject to immediate revision to accommodate new factual data. It is also appropriate for this to incorporate the heroic myths of one's ancestors for the archetypal inspiration and sense of rootedness thus conferred.
2. In this context the term "spirituality" is differentiated from "religion" in that it represents something much larger. It includes all of a person's values as these are reflected by actual conduct over the course of a lifetime, rather than merely by the parroting of doctrine with only partial adherence as we usually find in religion. A person's spirituality comprises everything in life. This may include religious activity or no religion at all.
3. A truly viable spirituality must have perfect integrity between three basic components:
- an intellectual premise consistent with all known science
- a moral basis reflecting absolute Libertarian reciprocity
- a source, not of irrational belief, but of archetypal inspiration, grounded in one's own ancestral mythology."
To summarize in this context ~
- Intellectual Premise - evolutionary dualist viewpoint (33)
- Moral Basis - Basic Libertarian Impulse
- Archetypal Inspiration - indigenous mythology
4. Those who follow "outland" religious traditions are docile spiritual bondsmen. People who can find joy in the heroic myths of their own ancestors feel only pity for those who would demand so little of themselves intellectually and spiritually as to raise up a foreign philosopher and make him into a god. Most of these spiritual turncoats can't even blow their own noses without asking cultural infiltrators how to do it.
5. Those who are obsessed with trying to reconcile every aspect of modern experience with foreign scriptures written thousands of years ago are being false to their own heritage and to the present day world. Slavish dogmatism renders the individual an ineffective participant in modern society. People need not seek so far away for their spirituality nor aid and abet missionary monoculture. The vile dispiriting nihilism of wandering internationalists is a poor substitute for the spiritual integrity of being rooted in one's own ancestral tradition. There are today many fine natural spiritualties being reborn. These represent diverse ethnicity. One must seek however - they will not come to you.
6. For moral excellence to prevail in society nobody needs to be converted to anybody else's national tradition. The most educated and spiritually developed persons of today are rediscovering the ancient spiritualities of their own ancestors. Sometimes there is justified resentment because most of the early writings were destroyed by fanatics of some other dominant religion in the past. This very fact however gives those who are resurrecting these old spiritualties much leeway for conceptualizations based upon ancient archetypal ideals while at the same time incorporating the knowledge and science of the modern world. This emerging spirituality is not encumbered by the dogmas of the past. Nor is it based upon subservience, cowardice, and hypocrisy, but upon integrity, courage, honor, truth, and liberty. The new indigenous spiritualties are superior to the original in that they do not countenance the barbaric sacrificial practices that characterized earlier systems.
7. Indigenous spiritualties have more spiritual integrity and archetypal relevance for people than any identification with outland personifications. The bland faceless beehive religion of worldwide universalism however, will only be rejected if people know there is an alternative.
8. Information about superior spiritualties and political choices must be made generally available. Usually it is better if the two things are presented separately. If this is done anonymously, the poor lost sheep who constitute most of society will not have to lose face in upgrading their allegiances. In this way all that energy they spend talking about how moral they are might actually be channeled into constructive activity.

32. "Khaki priests of Christendom, interpreters of love
Ride a stone Leviathan across a sea of blood
And pound their feet into the sand of shores they've never seen
Delegates from the western land to join the death machine
And we send cards and letters."
 ~ Country Joe MacDonald: "An Untitled Protest" ~
33. For evolutionary dualism see "Evolutionary Psychology"