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Celebrity Purge


The risk now is too great for Ted, and the enemy, so it’s time to start eliminating all the celebrity twits and traitors calling for the assassination, frame-up, or impeachment of Roswell Benedict. After the first one or two, however, heightened security will ruin any prospect of getting the rest.


Ted thinks to himself,


“If I can create an untraceable nanotech bullet with a twelve-week kill time, and no antidote, I can get them all, then sit back and watch the whole thing unfold.”


The problem is with celebrities, that there’s no way to get close enough to use the tiny cannon in the first place. Even in the front row at one of their concerts or talk show interviews, Ted would later stand out like a sore thumb, even with disguises.


It would be cool to get them all together in one place consulting about their treasonous plans, but that kind of stuff is now mostly done with social media.


Ted considers using strategically placed ordnance detonated simultaneously with a radio signal, but there is no way to guarantee they will all be home at the same time, or that he could get in close enough to place any of it.


Perhaps deadly laser beams from a satellite, homing in on their cell phones… call them all at the same time.


One long day of shooting with a scope gun. The intel to coordinate where to be, at what time, would be staggering.


Write and tweet them a link to something so informative and inspiring that they publicly renounce their evil allegiances to become Libertarian Nationalists. The problem here is that they don’t read: probably no genuine interest in making a better world ,and not enough time.


“I’ll do them in prioritized sequence, most destructive to least destructive, one at a time, and make it look like accidents. Nah!


There must be a way… best sleep on it.

He does, and,


“Most are musicians and will attend the upcoming Grammy Awards. Even some of the others, like actors, might be there. Use the tiny cannon with one-week kill time bullets. Wear a disguise that will even foil face printing. Master a way of moving wholly unlike my own.”


In order to target them all, Ted will have to walk around as though searching for a seat. They will undoubtedly locate him as the shooter on the tapes later. That’s why so much emphasis on disguise. It’s better to eliminate important functionaries than celebrity twits. They had the Grammies in February, so that leaves nine months for better targets.