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Ted is aware that evil people in the east with long term goals for world domination wrote scriptures
centuries ago as set-up for their plans. The admonitions about exploitation and conquest are cleverly spread out so as not
to seem like malicious diatribe or overkill. The intent is to make the writer’s people take for granted their alleged
destiny to rule everybody else, and to make those to be ruled feel guilty about not letting them do it. The writers may not
have anticipated that the self-hatred of the guilt-ridden might also cause them to permit exploitation by other, even more
barbarous invaders, perhaps even enemies of the writers themselves. Every morning at 6:00 A.M. in a suburb of Battle Creek, Michigan, loud horns summon the faithful to
a well-known temple of submission and shame. In television interviews, many of the shameful have issued remarks against Roswell
Benedict, saying that his stand on immigration is blasphemous, and that their god will soon choose from among them a champion
for his divine vengeance. June 20, 2029, 2:16 A.M. Flying very low in a quiet ultralight airplane, Ted drops a package perfectly in the center of the flat
portion of the temple roof. The package contains a powerful explosive devise with a radio controlled detonator. Some neighborhood
people see the plane as it emerges into view above the far end of the building. They wonder about it, watch until it disappears
in the distance, and then go about their business. 6:37 A.M. The last of more than four hundred of the shameful have filed into their venue of institutionalized
foulness. Ted is on a grassy hill nearly a quarter of a mile away sitting on a park bench, enjoying a thermos of hazelnut
coffee. He has powerful binoculars that have kept him informed him of the situation. He presses the button on the radio controlled detonator, which is set for a one-minute delay, caps his
thermos, raises the binoculars, and is astounded by the beauty of the explosion in the early morning sunlight. He chose well
on the ordnance. The entire masonry roof falls in on the shameful hoard. He hears screams faintly born to him on the morning
breeze. Ted hurries back to the motel to see the morning news. Online, revolutionary media all over the country are praising his action, urging that it should be utilized as an inspiration to all Americans to make similar strike against the invasion of our country by these crazed degenerate people, the moral equivalent of disease-infested insects. |
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