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February 16, 2029

Tedmund Farrell has been writing successfully for some time. He is delighted by the election of Roswell Benedict as the U.S. President. A Libertarian Nationalist initiating constructive change in his own lifetime is something Ted never thought he would live to see.


There is a problem, however, which seems to have needed addressing for some years. The problem is the unchecked criminality of the insane globalist banker, Boris Pilos, who thinks that his immense wealth gives him the moral right to do anything he wants, simply because it gives him the physical means.


Pilos is currently training huge groups of young unemployed lunatic leftists for an endless campaign of protests, riots, vandalism, arson, and violence against the supporters of Roswell Benedict. The agitators are taught how to provoke violent retaliation, so that this can be caught on camera and used to discredit Libertarian Nationalism. Nobody is doing anything to stop Pilos as the leader of this pathetic army of sex perverts and drug addicts.


Pilos has vowed to ruin everything the new president is trying to accomplish, whatever it is. Ted has decided to come out of his retirement as reaper, at least until Benedict accomplishes his main goals. If Ted kills Pilos, there will probably be a successor, maybe even worse for being younger and more energetic, but if he can stop the movement itself, the insane Pilos will probably self-destruct in the aftermath. There is a way. Ted just hasn’t figured out what it is yet, but he will. He also knows that it won’t be easy.