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The Octopus


Somehow Ted finds out about Globalists in the Netherlands who are involved in human trafficking and vampire pedophilia. They have a special salt water tank cordoned off from the public ones at a tourist attraction called Museum if the Sea. They enjoy eating lunch as they watch while a hungry octopus attacks and kills victims they have selected to die.


Small captive children are forced to watch, then slapped and told that they will be next in the tank, until they are red-faced and mad from fear and crying. Then they are hung by their feet and their throats are cut. They are drained of their now adrenalinated blood, which is quickly chilled and served to the globalist vampires to wash down their otherwise normal gourmet meals. Not very different from beef consommé The blood keeps them young.


September 6, 2039

Ted kills the two men who are bringing the usual three children to the octopus venue. He sets the kids free telling them to locate an ordinary uniformed policeman in the main tourist area and say that they are lost. He also has to dispatch three guards to gain access to the restricted area, then enters the tank pretending to be the regular diver who does the normal daily feeding, blundering innocently into this situation.

The Globalists are annoyed. Some are outraged. One of these, runs angrily up the stairs only to find the doors locked. Ted comes over to the glass, looks in and waves to the Globalists. Then he anchors himself in front of the window, and fires his spear-gun, with a small explosive spear tip to break the thick safety glass.


The water comes pouring in very fast. When the main flow subsides, two of the diners attempt to swim through the broken window opening. Ted has reset another spear and pokes at their rib cages to turn them back. They and the others rise with the water and drown, clawing at the celling like accidentally buried narcoleptics do at the lid of a coffin.


Ted has used an ultra- sonic device to fend off the octopus, and on his way out of the tank rewards the huge eight legged fellow with three big fish to supplement his diet of people.