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The Grammies


Well, it’s that time of year again. Ted has been looking forward to this occasion with a mixture of eager anticipation and dread, because of the greater than usual risk. The thirty-nine top globalists he has eliminated since May, however, spurs him on, He sees this evening as frosting on the cake.


There are many celebrities who have disappointed Ted with their lack of political judgement. Just because a person has acting or musical talent, of course, doesn’t mean they understand anything other than that. Perhaps there are some “good” intentions, but at a certain point ignorance becomes evil.


Ted doesn’t like to eliminate pretty women unless their crimes simply require it. He knows this is sexist, but cuties are so splendid when their priorities are straight, that Ted usually sends them educational material instead. There are even male actors where Ted’s gratitude for their past work precludes eliminating them, as long as their opposition to President Benedict has been relatively innocuous.


It took a while, but Ted compiled a long list in order of priority. Many are not musicians and may not go to the Grammies, so Ted will just skip down to the next when necessary. More than a baker’s dozen will be too hectic, and there is, of course, the time factor. Ted will memorize the list in priority sequence.


February 8, 2030

Ted was right about Boris Pilos. Ever since the Reaper stopped the campus protests, he has been getting nuttier by the hour. Today, high on cocaine, with a motley group of suicidal mercenaries, Pilos attacks Roswell Benedict’s motorcade. The secret service stops them easily. Boris is cut to ribbons with long bursts of gun fire. The shooters make sure he is dead. Onlookers cheer and shed tears of gratitude.


February 11, 2030

Ted is so delighted about Pilos that he almost decides to skip the Grammies gig, but… 


7:56 P.M.

Ted arrives in a taxi, sporting wig, beard, and tuxedo. The tiny cannon is in his glasses frame. There is no prescription, but curved glass for realism. He looks quite presentable for an older man, and has for the past two weeks, worked on a very different, but relaxed natural manner and stride.


He finds out where everybody is seated.  There are fourteen here from his original list and he decides to do the one extra. He makes the rounds quickly and inconspicuously.

Sorry Twit, but no more…


…foreign intelligence, Seth Onterhamm

…tough guy faggot  talk, Sickie Porke

…traitorous harassment, Mackay Morton

…treasonous joking, Epen Cobere

…seditious slander, Don Toliver

…decapitation, Katlin Pippin

…actor shooting, Donnie Hep

…rap shooting, Sneak Rat

…house detonation, LaBonna

…sex slavery, Yibowwa

…martial law, Lily O’Connell

…open borders, Cathy Purile

…nose punching, Hobert DeNehil

…motherfucker foulness, Daniel Paxton


February 12, 2030

With final votes cast worldwide, Ted is thrilled to see the triumph of evolutionary policies everywhere. Now he really wishes he had skipped the Grammies. He probably won’t get caught, but… 


February 14th to 19ih, 2030

Ted watches the news as the celebrities die off one at a time on schedule. After the third, and medical opinions about delayed action poison, the media are all talking about the Grammies. Soon we see replay of Ted going to each seat, with endless admonitions about contacting the authorities if you recognize this man. There are, however, no close front views of Ted. None of the security footage really dhows what he looks like, but it clearly shows the way he walks, and now Ted is especially glad of the precautions he took in this regard. By the end of this period he is confident that he is clear on this venture. Frosting on the cake, is right.