The World Libertarian Order is a non-profit organization working to bring about permanent worldwide liberty,
prosperity, and peace without the destruction of indigenous race and culture. There is nothing theoretical here. We know what
is needed. The only requisite is enough worldwide education to enable implementation.
Educated people know that indigenous populations in separate sovereign nations
free enterprise and unrestricted world trade, is the
only arrangement that has long term workability. Freedom, however, does not mandate that we allow our central banks to be
run as private corporations by parasitic internationalists who manipulate currencies, and with the help of political cronies,
engineer wars and economic upheaval so they can lend money to governments for military adventures and otherwise unnecessary
social programs.
New World Order, aka Globalism, is just totalitarian socialism under one world government, enabling absolute
finance monopoly for predatory IMF bankers. Any reputable economist will tell you that free sovereign nations
competing in a free world market, is superior to any form of world government, and will result in ongoing worldwide prosperity
and peace.