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Postwar Resistance


After the defeat of Germany, a gifted young geneticist, Osman Brinkerhoff, who studied with Ernst Rüdin, continues the work, with a secret research program of his own.


October 18, 1945

Brinkerhoff succeeds in the actualization of something long regarded as only mythological, the volitional transformation of men into wolves, then back into men.


December 12, 1945

Working with Brinkerhoff, on, a young former SS Wehrwolf officer, Friedrich Kaufmann, creates a special unit of SS shapeshifters, actual Wehrwolves, to protect Germany from the ongoing postwar invasion of Communist predators.  The ability to transform into wolves, gives near invulnerability to the new units.


As the time of engagement approaches, the men in each unit are injected with Arctic wolf DNA in Gentries Solution. The waxing moon provides the gravitational catalyst necessary for the transformation. As the moon wanes, the fusion subsides, and normalcy returns until the next Full Moon. After three months, the reaction plays itself out, but can be refreshed at any time. Unfortunately, the time table of being tied to moon cycles places severe limitations on the utilization of transformation.


January 14, 1946

On skis, Kaufmann assassinates traitor propagandist Professor Herschel Fein in a suburb of Munich. As more men are recruited, there are other slayings. The work of purging Germany of subhumanity has begun heroically, but is soon abandoned because the funding runs out.