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Religion of Conquest


Friarham is a small factory town in the north of England. Throughout January and February of 1982, a total of forty two Mid-Eastern economic migrants moved into whatever housing they could find. They were very humble and friendly.  They spoke softly and were respectful of their neighbors. Their conversation centered on Islam. The posture was warmly instructive. Among those of the indigenous population not very well grounded spiritually, they managed to gain a surprising number of converts. In late November, construction of Friarham’s first Mosque was begun.


February 2, 2023

Today there are six hundred and forty three Moslems in Friarham, and twenty eight mosques. They are no longer humble and friendly.  They speak impatiently and are disrespectful to their neighbors. Their conversation still centers on Islam, but the posture is insistent and coldly threatening. Fifty percent of the Moslem men live on welfare, and seventy percent of the women. This, of course, is attributed to white racism.


Many positions of public trust and authority are now held by Moslems, and the only people favored by their actions are other Moslems. They drive rent down at night by burning the cars of their English neighbors, who move to better neighborhoods. They rape and enslave those English women who will not adopt their outland rules and customs. English people who do not approve of this, have acid thrown in their faces. Of course, none of this has anything to do with Islam, and if the victims identify their attackers as Islamic, they are tried and convicted of hate speech.


In big towns like London, there are increasing numbers of large scale Islamic terrorist attacks, but concerned English citizens are mockingly told that these are perfectly normal, and are just part and parcel of the diverse international character of large modern cities. The mass murders are happening every two weeks. The acid attacks are every two days, and are always prefaced by religious interrogation. Nothing to do with Islam. All perfectly normal.


Berghofer and his unit have been studying the layout of the mosques in Friarham for two days. Werner Kahl was able to obtain several boxes of dynamite and plenty of radio activated detonators. It takes the men all night and most of the day to place the dynamite in, or adjacent to, all of the mosques. In some cases, the kill factor will just have to be smaller than desired because of the poor access. 


February 3, 2023

After eating breakfast separately in restaurants all over town, the eight men come together on a small hilltop at the edge of town.


6: 19 A.M.

The men watch as Berghofer presses the button on the master radio control device. The detonations are sequenced two seconds apart so as to resemble a dragon winding its way through the town. What a splendid sight!


The unit leaves the area immediately. It is later learned that four hundred thirty-eight members of the Religion of Peace will no longer be a threat to the European race and culture.