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Experiments Thwarted


Berghofer has been searching for intel about secret experimentation on humans. There is plenty. In Spring Valley New York there is a facility where children abducted through a United Nations “resettlement program” are housed in pleasant institutional surroundings.


The kids are made to think they are in a special school, and are given drugs and hormones in their food that produce what the Globalist experimenters call enhanced cooperation. One aspect of this process is that utilization of protein is impeded chemically, rendering the kids protein starved even though overtly they are fed plenty of normal protein foods.


Some of the experimenters make great sport with this, training the children with a Pavlovian link to the snapping of their fingers, to fall down and passionately shine their shoes. The kids are equipped with monogrammed polishing cloths for this purpose. The captors call this assisted politeness.


One or two people who have stumbled into this sink hole of foulness, have had to disappear mysteriously. Because of this, all the doors are kept locked. 


January 11, 2023

The unit arrives in Spring Valley. They enjoy a hearty breakfast, then dressed as utility maintenance workers, with noise suppressed machine guns in their tool boxes, visit the facility in a large van.


9:08 A.M.

The unit pulls up near the main entrance, shoots out the door glass, and all eight men enter the facility fanning out to every room, shooting down every adult they see. For those who hurt children there is no quarter given.


The kids are terrified. As the smoke clears, many are crying. The men find one room where there are six badly beaten children in cages. Another room, with a gallery for spectators, is themed for medieval tortures, such as Squasation and Strappato. And then there is

Le Chambre Dracul, the blood draining room, with a refrigerator and crystal wine glasses, conveniently situated adjacent to the gourmet kitchen and Globalist dining hall.


The men in the unit speak soothingly to the children and manage to calm them down. The unit leaves, and Berghofer notifies the town police and all nearby media, explaining that UN related Globalists are responsible for the entire situation, and that the people who stopped them are Libertarian Nationalists. Within twenty minutes the place is swarming with police and news people. Federal agencies find out and arrive only after it is too late to cover anything up. They offer no comment to reporters.