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PALPAP Flunkies


Libertarian Nationalists support Capitalist free enterprise. Their stated goal of indigenous populations in separate sovereign nations will result in the preservation of all races and cultures. For this they are labeled racist.


Socialists replace free enterprise with government controlled industry. Allocation of wealth is based on government deciding who needs what. History shows that this allows the leaders a wide skim factor, permitting them to live in concealed opulence.


PALPAP in the USA is a Globalist-backed entity created to harness the idealism, ignorance, and undeveloped character of young people for the purpose of establishing worldwide totalitarian Socialism. The name is People Against Liberty, Prosperity, and Peace.

There is a large number of school teachers involved in this, and it is widely asserted that the National Education Association is involved.


The leaders train campus protestors in techniques of violence, and pay them very good money to attack liberty-loving Americans who they label fascists. The recruits are usually white self-haters, often sexually dysfunctional drug users who live only to be high.


Berghofer, remembering his father’s accounts of the murdering Communist thugs roaming the streets just before Hitler and the SA saved Germany, despises these PALPAP traitors more than he can possibly express. To Werner Kahl he says,


“My plan for PALPAP is for each of us to blow up top centers when the flunkies are getting their weekly indoctrination. If we can each make more than one strike all on the same night, there will be a great many enemy casualties. This will require lots of information and planning.”


December 12, 2022

In eight American cities, eleven PALPAP meeting centers are now just smoking ruins. When he hears the news, Boris Pilos is fit to be straight jacketed. A total of only three hundred and forty eight casualties is a bit disappointing to the men in the unit, but this was only one night, after all. In the end, good people will exterminate every Socialist on Earth.