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UN by Train


The UN has mandated that five hundred thousand Mid-Eastern “refugees” will enter Germany within the next six months. They are actually economic migrants, posing as victims of the ongoing Globalist banker wars.


Indigenous Germans have just lately been waking up to the planned destruction of their race and culture. The increasing number of subhumans can no longer be ignored. One can hardly take a walk these days without having to dodge their excrement in the streets. The EU has threatened Germany with invasion by the EU Army and martial law, if they don’t cooperate in their own destruction.


August 12, 2022, 8:36 A.M.

The first five thousand of the invading rapists will soon arrive on a train of eighteen cars in Munich. At the unload point, he EU presence will be small, about two hundred troops total, both local and on the train. The Wehrwolf division arrived last night and are watching with automatic rifles from various hotel windows


There is a crowd of over six hundred angry protestors at the train platform. A local EU

spokesperson is addressing the crowd with a portable PA system, 


“EU friends and neighbors, I’m happy to see that you are here to welcome our brothers and sisters from the east. I’m sure they will greatly appreciate your support in their time of hardship. Look, I can see the train already.”


The crowd jeers sarcastically. The train pulls in to the platform, and from the first two cars emerge nearly one hundred and twenty armed EU troops. They form up behind the speaker who is now joined at the podium by the captain of the train division. The speaker begins his introduction,


“Ladies and gentlemen, it is my…”


The speaker stops, because a hole has appeared between the captain’s eyes and seven others flanking him, then, in a heartbeat, eight more. EU soldier brains are everywhere.  Now, staring at the rear of the train the last car explodes, then after five seconds, the next closest, then the next. Three of the EU soldiers see the pattern, and think to unlock the nearest cars to save at least some of their worthless cargo, but alas, they too are shot from the hotel windows. The rest of the EU troops have been dropping like flies and are in total disarray, because they can’t see the shooters.


The protestors have run back three hundred feet from the platform to watch, transfixed with awe and delight, as the exploding cars come closer and closer until the engine stands alone, train-less. The engineer jumped out on time and is with the protestors. He can only sigh.


Now, there are still the Local EU troops, who were off to one side. The protestors have found their heroic German-ism at last. They rush the troops who fall back in terror. Many of the protestors were hopeful of a conflict, and brought knives and truncheons. When they finish, all two hundred EU troops are dead. Three of the protestors took bullets, but will all survive. The crowd disperses quickly as the police, fire trucks, ambulances, and news reporters arrive.


The Wehrwolves leave their hotels, and are soon on the way out of Germany. Berghofer is a good judge of character. He orchestrated this entire venture perfectly. The unit could have far more easily blown up the entire train at once on the outskirts of Munich, but the effect on German morale of citizen participation makes the extra effort well worth it. The Nationalist Revolution is now well underway among the population of Germany as a whole.