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Regime Change


Globalist Jews have been having a field day in Germany ever since the conclusion of their phony Nuremberg Trials in 1949. They have grown fat on the money extorted at gunpoint as false reparations for their imaginary Holocaust.  Today Islamists, forced into Germany by EU and the UN, assault and rob Indigenous Germans in the streets. Why do the formerly heroic German people put up with all of this?


Flagella Marchal is the Chancellor of Germany, and serves the Globalists. She doesn’t care about the future of Germany as a racial and cultural entity, and refers to Libertarian Nationalism as ”pre-globalization,” just another “simplistic solution.”


Berghofer would like to see the Chancellor and all the other traitors in Germany, put on trial for treason and hung publicly. There isn’t enough public awareness to make this happen through due process of law, but there is a higher law that all good people obey.


February 18, 2023

Last night Berghofer abducted Marchal and three other Globalist officials staying at her villa near Hamburg. Each of the other men have rounded up at least three important government traitors, sometimes more. Today there are thirty six Globalists awaiting execution in an estate cow barn outside of Munich.  Upwind of the barn, during lunch, Werner Kahl says to Berghofer,


“What we are doing here today is will be remembered as a great event in German history, especially when the revolution goals are finally consolidated and institutionalized. I only hope posterity will forgive our informality.”


“Don’t worry. They will praise it as decent hard working people throwing down pedophile tyrants. The humble setting and means will emphasize the splendor of the accomplishment by contrast.”


There is a large section of forest adjacent to the barn. At 4:00 P.M. the globalists are led in cuffs and manacles to their respective trees. Ropes with hang-knots are placed around their necks. Milking stools, crates, and wooden boxes elevate the traitors enough above the ground so that when removed each will seek footing only in vain. Not quite the synchronized snapping of necks that one might wish to hear, but not bad under the circumstances.


February 19, 2023

Berhaofer prepares a press release about the revolution. When the German people hear of this event and the other accomplishments of the unit, they rally to the cause of patriotism and insist of the remaining government that Germany withdraw immediately from EU.


February 2, 2025

SS Wehrwolf Division Eight aids freedom fighters in rural Montana.


August 22, 2028

SS Wehrwolves avenge Liberator’s arrest in Germany by killing the radical Socialists responsible in New York City.