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EU by Village


European Parliamentarian Cra Veller wants EU to transplant all Mid-Eastern villages intact to Germany so that the immigrants will feel more at home among their own people. This will make increasing numbers of immigrants want to come to Germany. At this point all good Germans see their country as doomed.


The work begins. It takes a few days to expel the indigenous German residents from a small German town in preparation for the initial alien village transfer.


September 7, 2022 8:15 A.M.

The first village arrives from the Middle East. There are over four thousand people. Slavish sheep, the usual drug besotted lesbians, line up to welcome them. By the end of the day, the invaders are settled and comfortable in their stolen homes. Smart Germans living nearby are hoping for salvation in this, and stay well away from the new outlander village.


Berghofer says in a weary tone,


“I lament the fine old architecture we will lose because of this. I only yearn for the day when the Globalist traitors in Germany will be publicly executed, and the fine feasting and celebration that will follow.”


September 8, 2022

Berghofer has calculated that it will take sixteen perfectly placed explosions to kill everyone in the village. The Wehrwolf unit is divided into four teams of two men. There is one team each at the four cardinal points of the compass, about one third of a kilometer away from the center of the village.


At precisely 5:00 A.M. using the quiet new gas injection mortars, each team sends four projectiles, at precisely the same five second intervals. As the explosions start, the invaders realize that, among good Germans, they are not welcome. Fifteen seconds later he village is just a burning pile of bones and rubble. The smell of roasting flesh is borne upon the morning breeze.


September 11, 2022

Cra Veller and two other traitorous Globalist parliamentarians are found dead in a private booth at their favorite restaurant, by a young waitress returning with their food. There is a bullet hole between the eyes of each.


September 14, 2022

Pamphlets begin to show up all over Germany urging patriotic Germans to kill, on sight, every EU or UN functionary, and any other Globalist traitor they can, without throwing away their own life or liberty in the process. They are also urged to maintain complete secrecy in this, even from loved ones. The survival of the European race and the evolutionary destiny of mankind are more important than unnecessary consensus approval of those near and dear.


 Within three weeks, variations on the German pamphlet are appearing in every country in Europe. Soon the internal enemies of the European race and civilization begin to disappear one after another at a rate of about four per week. Hierarchical move-ups are confidentially offered higher salaries when they express concern about personal safety. All EU and UN employees are given bullet proof vests and automobile first aid kits.