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EU Must Fall


October 31, 2022

The perfect way to celebrate Samhain, destroy the Brussels headquarters of EU, the most evil and dangerous enemy ever faced by European civilization. The unit will use mortars in the same manner as with as with the village, excerpt that each group will fire only two projectiles, these will be more powerful than previously, and the distances will be three times as great. Yesterday Berghofer and Werner Kahl studied the area and later drove the other men to view the four launch points.


8:43 A.M.

The men are broken into four pairs, enjoying good breakfasts at restaurants near their respective launch points.



The big morning meeting at EU is well under way. With perfect precision the four groups fire their projectiles on que and leave the area.


12:04 P.M.

Berghofer and Kahl are horrified by what they are hearing on the local television news. Says a pompous young newsman,


“At 9:16 this morning, incoming mortar fire directed at EU Headquarters was intercepted and neutralized by EU security police.”


Neutralized? By police? Simply impossible!”


crows Kahl. Berghofer replies,


"Ultra-sensitive automatic tracking system with powerful lasers, installed at the request of the police. I didn’t know the technology had gone so far so soon, but this precludes any future use of mortars and Law’s Rockets for important targets like EU. I’m thinking we better focus on vulnerable targets for explosive operations, and on simple assassinations with rifles from here on. I doubt that these lasers are installed very many places yet, or that they can intercept rifle bullets, but who knows?”


Kahl embellishes,


“We better be careful. At the rate things are going, they might automatically trace rocket trajectory to the source and shoot back so fast we won’t even know what hit us’”


Berghofer looks thoughtful,


“I think you’re right. That part could be true for bullets too. Perhaps we should try diplomacy.”


Both men chuckle