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Sweden is now called the “doormat of Europe”. How could people of this quality have fallen into being the rape capital of the world? Why have they permitted Globalist traitors in their midst to cooperate with the EU in flooding their country with hostile aliens who rape Swedish women? Are there no men left in Sweden?


Ingmund Anderson, the head of immigration in Sweden, recently signed an agreement to allow one half million jabbering savages to enter Sweden during the next six months. They are mostly military age men. You can see they are evil just by looking at them. Like all the rest, they will burn cars to run out Swedish residents and drive down their own rent. They are clear enemies of Sweden, and should be clubbed to death in the streets. Instead they are protected by degenerate government officials, and Swedes who speak up about it are imprisoned.


April 14, 2022 10:03 A.M.

What’s needed in Sweden is a little help by way of good example from certain courageous Germans who arrived early this morning. Now Rodman Berghofer and the seven men of his unit, enter the Swedish immigration building as part of a large tour. They pretend that they are only tourists and are not together. As the tour progresses through the building, each of the men in the unit disappears, one at a time into whatever doors they can access without calling attention to themselves.


10:48 A.M.

An anonymous phone call is made to the police stating that all but three of the employees in in the immigration building are dead, and there is no sign of anyone else in the vicinity. The three survivors are not globalists, just young people needing employment.


It doesn’t need to be German Wehrwolves who defend Sweden. If Swedes just stand up on their feet like men, they can take their country back from subhumanity themselves.